How to properly clean your keyboard without damaging it!

How to properly clean your keyboard without damaging it!
Clean your external keyboard in 6 simple steps.


Before you start, you will need:

  • Alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
  • Toothpicks
  • A clean microfiber cloth

Once you have gathered your supplies, you are ready to get started.

1. Disconnect your keyboard.

2. Turn the keyboard upside down so that any debris and other dirt falls on its own.

3. Wet a cotton swab with alcohol and use it to clean around the buttons. The cotton swab  should be damp but not dripping. Discard it as soon as it collects enough dirt. You may need more than one cotton swab to cover your entire keyboard.

4. If you come across particularly stubborn food scraps or traces of dirt, use a toothpick to carefully remove them.

5. Pour alcohol on a cloth or towel - again, wet but not dripping - and use it to clean the top of the keyboard keys as well as the surrounding areas.

6. Use the dry cloth to polish your keyboard.

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